La Roulette Francaise-Anglais by Lucien Barriere Group

Author/Artist: Lucien Barriere Group

Format: Paperback

Primary Subject: Roulette


The author is Lucien Barriere Group. French name of this group is Groupe Lucien Barriere, so that you would not be confused.

This name is associated with the best casinos in France. It is very nice that the gambling center provides the players with the leaflets on the games they have in the house.

They even provide the dictionary at the very beginning, so the English speaking would not feel lost. The way how this guide is made simply impresses with the simplicity, colors and how everything is easy to accept.

The French Roulette rules are explained by little drawn characters, which help throughout the entire guide book. It is weird but it is rarely explained that the players play against the casino, not against each other. For some people it is easy as a piece of cake, others cannot understand the main point. The players are not in one team, each player represents his own team, but they all play against the house.

The dealer is the casino representative, so it is easier for people to realize how is where and on which side (that is why you cannot cheat, because the dealer is also the eyes of the casino at the table where you sit).

This guide is very helpful, as everything is written for the fresh gamblers. Even if you never entered the casino, you will know how to behave, what to do, what to say and how to react on the words of the dealer.

The next aspect is the layout, which differs from the usual one, as everything is written in French. The little characters point at the sectors and tell you what is where.

Also, what concerns the buys-in, you need to exchange the money or the house chips into the table chips. Do not forget to do the same when you decide to quit the game and leave the table, as the cashier would not convert the chips and the dealer can refuse converting if you forgot about it and in an hour came back.

Furthermore, you should be specific about the chips. If you want 1000, you can receive it in one chip of 1000, 2 by 500, 10 by 100. Everything depends on your desire, but you should tell it to the dealer.

How to place your bets?

Everything starts with the pictures and the winnings are also mentioned. What is more is that the zero rules are also explained and they are used in the French roulette. La Partage and En Prison are explained, so that you will know what to do, if you better on red and zero came up. If you are interested in the American roulette, you might like "American Casino Guide" by Steve Bourie.

All the beginners, who would like to play the French roulette, should read the book. It is bright, easy and simple for understanding.